This has been a significant issue recently. Kaspersky antivirus software has been automatically uninstalling itself from users’ computers in the United States and replacing itself with UltraAV antivirus. This change is due to a federal ban on Kaspersky products in the U.S. over security concerns related to its Russian origins3.

Many users were not notified in advance about this switch, leading to frustration and confusion. If you’re affected by this and need help with the new software, it might be a good idea to check UltraAV’s official guidelines for uninstalling or managing their antivirus program.

A Kaspersky employee also shared an official statement on the company’s official forums regarding the forced switch to UltraAV, saying that it “partnered with antivirus provider UltraAV to ensure continued protection for US-based customers that will no longer have access to Kaspersky’s protections. Kaspersky partnered with UltraAV to make the transition to their product as seamless as possible, which is why on 9/19, U.S. Kaspersky antivirus customers received a software update facilitating the transition to UltraAV.”